Despite the fact that, at the time of this post’s writing, it’s been almost four years since the pandemic caused many organizations to switch to a completely or partially virtual (hybrid) work model, we’re still hearing from both leaders themselves, and HR professionals responsible for leadership development, that leading in a virtual workplace remains complicated and confusing.
Read moreWhile much has changed related to how organizations operate because of our recent pandemic, much has remained the same.
Read moreFor many organizations, summer tends to be a bit quieter as far as tackling or kicking off new initiatives and projects goes.
Read moreSo much has changed on both the work and personal life fronts since we wrote and shared our blog post entitled “Why You Want To Take Steps Now To Ensure 2020 Success.”
Read moreAs we discussed in our most recent blog post, the pandemic shadow under which we’ve all been living for more than a year has caused our own leadership strengths and challenges, as well as those of others, to be magnified.
Read moreOn a variety of fronts during the past year, we’ve all likely had the opportunity to witness and experience the impact of leaders we considered admirable, empathetic, and successful.
Read moreWhen the restrictions associated with stay-at-home-orders loosen significantly or entirely, some of us are going to feel like we’re never going to want to hear the words “virtual” again
Read moreGiven the extremely short time frame between when many supervisors, managers, and leaders learned they and their teams would be working remotely and when they actually began working remotely, most individuals overseeing small or large teams received no training, coaching or advise about how to be an effective remote leader.
Read moreWhile ultimately leaders must ensure their organizations continue to effectively serve their customers during challenging times, and therefore, that employees remain productive, it’s particularly important right now that those in leadership and management roles never lose sight of the fact that employees may be challenged
Read morePrior to the health pandemic scenario under which we are all now living, most of us operated under the premise that there would be future or had been past stressful periods in our lives, but that there also would be or had been periods that were relatively stress-free, and quite joyful.
Read more“Bench strength” is defined as “the capability of members of an organization’s staff to move into positions of greater responsibility when required.” Let’s face it – senior and middle management/leadership can move on from an organization at any point for a variety of reasons, including retirement, a new external position, or an unexpected illness or the illness of a loved one.
Read moreWhether you’re charged with hiring or retaining top talent, if you’re able to take even the smallest amount of time each day to read local and national news, social media posts, or relevant blogs like ours, you know that the engagement and retention of employees is presently one of the most pressing concerns of HR and talent development professionals.
Read moreBased on Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) data, U.S. unemployment rates in 2020 are expected to remain low, and possibly dip even further to 3.5% or less. For job seekers, this continued low unemployment rate is wonderful financial and professional news.
Read moreA new year is already well underway and it’s the perfect time to make sure the organization(s) you work for, head up, or advise, are well-positioned to achieve their goals for 2020.
Read moreWhether you’re a small business owner looking to run your business more effectively, an individual considering making a career change, a senior leader or HR Director at an organization concerned about succession planning and developing leadership bench strength, a middle manager wanting and needing to retain and develop team members, or someone employed at a for-profit or non-profit organization yearning to enhance your skills or get promoted, coaching is an easy, effective way to get the skills, information, ideas, tools and support you need to effect change in the new year.
Read moreOver the years, there has been a lot of press about The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, including its use by the NFL. Pat Lencioni is a well-respected author and consultant, and his book has strong name recognition.
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Check out recent INC Magazine article:
Secrets from top-talent organizations for delivering a competitive edge
Hiring the best employees isn’t just about salary and perks. Here’s how some top-talent organizations go about it.
Listen to Patrick Lencioni on the power of teamwork. Using The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™model we can help you facilitate a learning experience that helps professionals and their organizations discover what it takes to build a truly cohesive and effective team. The Five Behaviors is grounded in the model described in The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, the internationally best-selling leadership fable by Patrick Lencioni.
Read moreEffectively interacting with others is sometimes the “tough” part of the job. Research has shown that using a tool like Everything DiSC® to help navigate can increase the effectiveness of interactions with others. First it’s gaining the awareness and second it’s how do I manage the interaction. The video clip below will provide an overview. Checkout this case study on using Everything DiSC® and maximizing teamwork. For more information contact Bercume Associates, a Wiley Authorized Partner.
Read moreThere are times when we are in the groove and feel things are cranking along in the moment. Then there are times that we can’t seem to get out of our own way. Our Internal Results System has an impact on this!
Read moreHave you ever found that no matter what you try differently, you keep ending up with the same result? Have you felt stuck at times and been without a clue on what steps to take to move forward? That’s your Results System in action!
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How Engaged are the Leaders and Staff in your Organization?
How Much is Disengagement Impacting your Bottom Line?
“Leaders who demonstrate high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in the workplace drive higher levels of employee engagement in the organization as evidenced by the individual employee engagement levels of their direct reports” concluded Genos International in their Global Research Study – EI in Leaders and Employee Engagements.
Expressing appreciation sounds simple and a nice thing to do. Yet so many people feel unappreciated. We are moving extremely fast, multitasking and sometimes not even looking up. This craziness causes some leaders to focus more on what is not working and be critical towards others causing a decrease in employee morale and engagement.
Read moreBuilding alignment is the act of gaining buy-in for your vision and it’s absolutely critical in moving from imagination to reality. It is people-centric and can be complex and unpredictable like human relationships.
Read moreHiring and developing key talent is one of the best business decisions a leader will make. You can have the best business plan in place yet without effective leaders your plan will be less successful.
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Do some clients energize you and some drain your energy?
What percentage of your clients energize you?
When interacting with others we tend to make our first impressions within about 30 seconds. Given that networking, particularly in person, is a core component to building your business, it is important to focus on our nonverbal cues and behaviors, tone of voice, and words.
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Do you tend to say YES before you know what you are saying YES to?
How often does what you say YES to end up being a lot more work than you initially thought?
In order for the clients we are meant to serve to be able to find us we need to be consistent with who we are and what we offer. This is why our personal brand is so important.
Read moreDuring the month of December, patience is a real gift. There is so much going on in each of our personal lives with the holidays and with it being the end of the year at work. Stress increases trying to get done what needs to get done. Conflict arises with personal and work relationships with the pressure of the month. There is a lot of sadness for some people around the holidays as well.
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How much time and energy is wasted on your team with politics, confusion, and destructive conflict?
Are team members wasting time talking about the wrong issues and revisiting the same topics over and over again because of a lack of buy-in?
At all levels of leadership, organizations are undergoing major changes that are more complex than we have ever witnessed. To compete and win in this “new normal,” companies must be more agile, decisive, and adaptable then they may realize.
Read moreThe great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness no one rejects dislikes avoids pleasure itself because it is pleasure but because know who do not those how to pursue pleasures rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful desires to obtain.
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