Why You Should Engage An Executive Coach Now To Position Yourself Or Your Organization Well For 2025

With warm temperatures and nice weather still lingering in many parts of the U.S. – including New England where our executive coaching firm is headquartered – many of us might prefer to not think about how the end of 2024 will soon be upon us and a new year underway! But, as an executive coaching firm that teaches leaders about the importance of strategic planning, talent development, professional development, and succession planning, we’d be remiss if we didn’t encourage our readers to start thinking about the aforementioned related to 2025 now.

We’ve always believed and been fond of the adage “Opportunity Is When Luck Meets Preparation.” When you engage an executive coach, like Bercume Associates, to support your own professional development or that of a leader-to-be or existing leader at your organization, you are setting the wheels in motion for future career/professional growth and opportunity.

What Are The Benefits Of Executive Coaching?

In general, executive coaching offers the following benefits:

  • Strengthens your own or your organization’s leaders’ leadership skills by identifying strengths and weaknesses and offering detailed, personalized recommendations that include action items to improve skills
  • Supports the professional development of top performers (leaders-to-be/emerging leaders) at an organization, so they can become the effective leaders of tomorrow, including in 2025!
  • Helps those being coached set and achieve professionals and career goals via collaborative discussions and flexible action plans
  • Increases the emotional intelligence (EQ) of the individual being coached by causing them to be more aware of their emotions, motivations, communication style, and how their words and actions are perceived by direct reports, peers, or senior leaders in their organization
  • Improves productivity of the “coachee,” and ultimately that of their direct reports thru strengthening time-management and other skills that influence productivity
  • Enhances the effective decision-making ability of the leader or leader-to-be causing the best possible decisions to be made efficiently and on a timely basis
  • Leads to improved work-life balance because of increased productivity, better time management, and less need to reverse or revisit previous decisions -- and, work-life balance is becoming more and more important to existing employees and potential hires
  • Increases the confidence of those being coached, which, in turn, causes direct reports and co-workers to respect the coachee more and to give more credence to their directions and recommendations
  • Contributes to the building of stronger, more collaborative, higher-functioning teams due to respect and effective communications among team members, including the team leader
  • Indicates to a leader or leader-to-be that they are valued and appreciated and that their professional needs and wants are of great importance to their employer
  • Reduces employee turnover and departures, and increases employee loyalty for the reasons cited above
  • Improves employee satisfaction and engagement, which leads to improved work quality, attention to detail, and creative thinking
  • Allows the coachee to let their guard down and be their authentic self by increasing their level of confidence, which partly comes from them knowing they have the skills they need to be both effective and respected
  • Causes others to view the coached individual as a great potential candidate for new or increased leadership responsibility because of the confidence they reflect, the skills they demonstrate, and their collaborative spirit!
  • Increases collaboration across an organization due to leaders employing effective communication and decision-making skills
  • Causes emerging and existing leaders to become more resilient because of improved decision-making and greater confidence

Read our previous blog post about “why coaching remains a constant” to learn about the benefits of one-on-one coaching vs. the benefits of group coaching.


Coaching Focus Areas For Which We’re Most Engaged Each Fall

While we can also provide tailored coaching specific to your executive presence, performance improvement and change management challenges and needs, two key focus area for which we are most frequently engaged this time of year by individuals wanting to position themselves or their organizations well for the coming new year include:

  • Leadership development – emphasizes development of key/crucial skills that leaders need in order to be an effective leader, including: strategic planning, decision-making, emotional intelligence, effective communications, and team management – ultimately, causing participants to feel empowered and prepared to lead or lead better!
  • Career advancement – supports coachee in determining their ideal career path and helps them identify areas for professional improvement that support long-term career and professional goals

Our executive coaching team is passionate about ensuring you or your organization’s leaders achieve their full potential on both the leadership and career development fronts!

What Should I Expect When Working With An Executive Coach?

Depending on whom you engage to coach you or one or several of your organization’s existing or emerging leaders, the process may differ a bit from our executive coaching firm’s. The process Bercume Associates follows when providing personalized executive coaching includes:

  • Assessment: working collaboratively with you to conduct a comprehensive evaluation and inventory of your strengths, weaknesses, and areas for development
  • Goal Setting: soliciting feedback from you to set goals that make sense for you, based on areas for growth and improvement identified in the assessment phase
  • Action planning: developing a very detailed, strategic action plan that outlines clear steps and milestones related to the goals set during the above goal-setting phase
  • Ongoing support: meeting regularly to discuss progress as well as obstacles related to skills development, and refining action plans/steps, as needed

Don’t Just Wish Upon A Star To Have A Stellar Career/Professional Year in 2025

Our experienced team of executive coaches welcomes speaking with you about your career advancement challenges, needs, and opportunities, or the leadership development ones of existing or emerging leaders in your organization. Reach out today to schedule personalized/tailored coaching from our expert coaching team.